Checking old code
Checkin from an old version of the code.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
|||| IN KEY 256 3 1 AQPkQwQiwlTBYvK8xOx18oOqSpLjuTDmDlfcVUd2Oy5ZWyG2PxN+jDW3 0PQo9Tme337mJfG4s/1m72FjK7xHbPyX
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Private-key-format: v1.2
Algorithm: 1 (RSA)
Modulus: 5EMEIsJUwWLyvMTsdfKDqkqS47kw5g5X3FVHdjsuWVshtj8Tfow1t9D0KPU5nt9+5iXxuLP9Zu9hYyu8R2z8lw==
PublicExponent: Aw==
PrivateExponent: mCytbIGN1kH3KINITqGtHDG3Qnt17rQ6kuOE+XzJkOYpffN+dJM8Xvz0+BNMSGQClHEWQ9jNRDN5sLLXkF0ICw==
Prime1: 8w4oFgLjDum6R4in3v/YNfKLzTQTFMXAzA+61TlJp88=
Prime2: 8Gspv8zMTD+bPSwwaDJxRRTwgx7btLrhXspko7WXyLk=
Exponent1: oglwDqyXX0Z8L7Bv6f/leUxdM3gMuIPV3V/R43uGb98=
Exponent2: oEdxKoiIMtUSKMggRXb2Lg31rL89IydA6dxDF85lMHs=
Coefficient: SbKE3QaFyv8Z8+Uqgptjw19eljzgiVhPNp6JWAwcwRg=
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
# httpdc
# a completely useless tool - a dc desk calculator in the url
# will print out the html page
# "5"
# this code assumes that a real server lurks behind port 8080 on the local host
use Socket;
# the port I listen to
# the port I redirect all other requests to
$http_port = 80 ;
$AF_INET = 2 ;
$sockaddr = 'S n a4 x8';
($name, $aliases, $proto) = getprotobyname('tcp');
$this = pack($sockaddr, $AF_INET, $port, "\0\0\0\0");
socket(S, $AF_INET, $SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die "socket: $!";
setsockopt(S, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR,1) ;
bind(S,$this) || die "Bind: $!";
listen(S,5) || die "Connect: $!";
my $runas = 'nobody';
# Change effective id
$> = getpwnam($runas);
use Tie::Syslog;
my $x=tie *LOG, 'Tie::Syslog', '','RPHTTPD','pid','unix';
print(LOG "RPHTTPD Server Listening on port $port\n");
select(S); $|=1;
select(LOG); $|=1;
for ($con = 1 ; ; $con++) {
sleep 1;
($addr = accept(NS,S)) || die $!;
if (($child = fork()) == 0) {
# &open_slave() ;
# if (($child = fork()) == 0) {
# select(NS); $|=1; select(STDOUT);
# read_slave() ;
# close(NS) ;
# exit ;
# }
select(NS); $|=1; select(STDOUT);
$host = "" ;
while ($line = <NS>) {
# print (LOG "LINE: $line\n");
if ($line =~ /^GET\s+(\S*)/) {
$url = $1 ;
elsif ($line =~ /^Host:\s+(.*)$/) {
$host = $1 ;
$host =~ s/\r// ;
$host =~ s/\n// ;
push(@lines,$line) ;
if ($line =~ /^\r*\n*$/) {
if ($host =~ /^(.*)\.rp\./i) {
process_host($host, $text);
close (NS);
else {
# &write_slave() ;
# &close_slave() ;
close(NS) ;
exit ;
sub process_host {
my($host,$text) = @_ ;
@types = ("text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1","text/plain;
charset=ISO-8859-1","application/pdf","application/ps") ;
@gmt = gmtime(time()) ;
$day = ("Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat")[$gmt[6]];
$mon =
$gmt[5] += 1900 ;
$datestr = sprintf("%s, %02d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d
GMT",$day,$gmt[3],$mon,$gmt[5],$gmt[2],$gmt[1],$gmt[0]) ;
# print(LOG "file: $host -> $text\n") ;
if ($host =~ /^(.*)\.rp\./i) {
$dcargs = $1;
$dcargs =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/ ;
$dcargs =~ s/\;// ;
$dcargs =~ s/\'// ;
$dcargs =~ s/\"// ;
$dcargs =~ s/\./ / ;
$dcargs .= " p" ;
$infile = "/tmp/dci.$$" ;
open(I,">$infile") ;
print(I "$dcargs\n") ;
close(I) ;
$outfile = "/tmp/dco.$$" ;
system("/usr/bin/dc <$infile >$outfile") ;
if (!(-s $outfile)) {
open(O,">$outfile") ;
print(O "Beats me. Try using your toes as well as your fingers.\n") ;
close(O) ;
$fout = "/tmp/dco.$$.html" ;
print(FO "<html><head><title>DC</title></head>") ;
print(FO "<body BGCOLOR=\"\#FFFFFF\">\n") ;
print(FO "<pre>\n") ;
open(I,"$outfile") ;
while ($line = <I>) { print(FO $line) ; }
close(I) ;
print(FO "</pre></body></html>\n") ;
close(FO) ;
$size = -s $fout ;
print(NS "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n") ;
print(NS "Date: $datestr\n") ;
print(NS "Server: The Bert reverse polish server\n") ;
print(NS "Accept-Ranges: bytes\n") ;
print(NS "Content-Length: $size\n") ;
print(NS "Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100\n") ;
print(NS "Connection: Keep-Alive\n") ;
print(NS "Context-Type: $types[$text]\n\n") ;
# print(LOG "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n") ;
# print(LOG "Date: $datestr\n") ;
# print(LOG "Server: The Bert reverse polish server\n") ;
# print(LOG "Accept-Ranges: bytes\n") ;
# print(LOG "Content-Length: $size\n") ;
# print(LOG "Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100\n") ;
# print(LOG "Connection: Keep-Alive\n") ;
# print(LOG "Context-Type: $types[$text]\n\n") ;
open(I,"$fout") ;
while ($buffer = <I>) {
print(NS $buffer) ;
# print(LOG $buffer) ;
print(NS "\n") ;
unlink($infile) ;
unlink($outfile) ;
unlink($fout) ;
else {
$fout = "/tmp/404.$$.txt" ;
print(FO "<HTML><HEAD>\n") ;
print(FO "<TITLE>NO CLUE</TITLE>\n") ;
print(FO "</HEAD><BODY>\n") ;
print(FO "<H1>Huh?</H1>\n") ;
print(FO "Beats me. Try using your toes as well as your fingers.<p>\n") ;
print(FO "</BODY></HTML>\n") ;
close(FO) ;
$size = -s $fout ;
$fulf = $fout ;
print(NS "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n") ;
print(NS "Date: $datestr\n") ;
print(NS "Server: The Bert reverse polish server\n") ;
print(NS "Content-Length: $size\n") ;
print(NS "Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100\n") ;
print(NS "Connection: Keep-Alive\n") ;
print(NS "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n\n") ;
# print(LOG "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n") ;
# print(LOG "Date: $datestr\n") ;
# print(LOG "Server: The Bert reverse polish server\n") ;
# print(LOG "Content-Length: $size\n") ;
# print(LOG "Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100\n") ;
# print(LOG "Connection: Keep-Alive\n") ;
# print(LOG "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n\n") ;
open(I,"$fulf") ;
while ($buffer = <I>) { print(NS $buffer) ; }
unlink($fulf) ;
sub open_slave {
chop($http_hostname = ``);
$http_defhost = $http_hostname ;
$http_sockaddr = 'S n a4 x8';
($http_name, $http_aliases, $http_proto) = getprotobyname('tcp');
($http_name, $http_aliases, $http_type, $http_len, $http_thisaddr) =
(@http_v) = unpack('C4', $http_thisaddr);
($http_name, $http_aliases, $http_type, $http_len, $http_thataddr) =
(@http_w) = unpack('C4', $http_thataddr);
$http_this = pack($http_sockaddr, $HTTP_AF_INET, 0, $http_thisaddr);
$http_that = pack($http_sockaddr, $HTTP_AF_INET, $http_port,
socket(H, $HTTP_AF_INET, $HTTP_SOCK_STREAM, $http_proto) || die "socket:
bind(H, $http_this) || die "bind: $!";
connect(H, $http_that) || die "connect: $!";
select(H) ; $| = 1 ; select(STDOUT);
sub read_slave {
while ($len = sysread(H, $buffer,16384)) {
print(NS $buffer);
print(LOG "$con:<-\t$buffer");
$offset = 0 ;
while($len) {
$written = syswrite(NS, $buffer, $len, $offset);
$offset += $written ;
$len -= $written ;
close(H) ;
sub write_slave {
select(H); $|=1; select(STDOUT);
foreach $line (@lines) {
print(LOG "$con:->\t$line");
print(H $line) ;
$#lines = -1 ;
sub close_slave {
if ($#lines >= 0) {
&write_slave() ;
close(H) ;
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
# $Id:,v 1.6 2005/10/11 11:44:28 olaf Exp $
use Net::DNS;
use Net::DNS::Nameserver;
use Net::DNS::SEC;
use strict;
use Math::RPN;
my $versionstring='"BSRPDNSC version 0.2.4"';
my $rpdomain=lc "";
my $rp_ns_name=lc "";
my $rp_ns_address="";
my $rp_ns_bind_address="";
my $rp_ns_port="53";
my $reply_ttl=10;
my $sig_val=60;
my $keypath="/home/olaf/RPNS/";
my $www_address="";
my $timeout=$sig_val*60-3*$reply_ttl; # resigns itself after so often
print "Using Net::DNS version ".$Net::DNS::VERSION."\n";
print "Using Net::DNS::SEC version ".$Net::DNS::SEC::VERSION."\n";
my %sigargs;
$sigargs{"ttl"} = $reply_ttl;
$sigargs{"sigval"}= $sig_val;
my ( @keyRR, $keySIGRR,@versionRR,$nsASIGRR,@nsARR,$nsSIGRR,@nsRR,@apexNSECRR,$apexNSECSIGRR,@nsNSECRR,$nsNSECSIGRR,$soaSIGRR,@soaRR );
my $private=Net::DNS::SEC::Private->new($keypath);
use Tie::Syslog;
my $x=tie *STDOUT, 'Tie::Syslog', '','RPNS','pid','unix';
print "Restarting the server";
alarm $timeout;
my $ns = Net::DNS::Nameserver->new(
LocalAddr => $rp_ns_bind_address,
LocalPort => $rp_ns_port,
ReplyHandler => \&reply_handler,
Verbose => 1
$SIG{ALRM} = sub { print "alarm after $timeout seconds (to regenerate SIGs)\n";
resign () };
sub resign {
@keyRR= (
Net::DNS::RR->new( " 10 IN DNSKEY 256 3 1 AQPkQwQiwlTBYvK8xOx18oOqSpLjuTDmDlfcVUd2Oy5ZWyG2PxN+jDW3 0PQo9Tme337mJfG4s/1m72FjK7xHbPyX")
$keySIGRR= create Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG(\@keyRR,
Net::DNS::RR->new('version.bind 0 CH TXT '.$versionstring),
Net::DNS::RR->new('version.bind 0 CH TXT " tool 3"')
(Net::DNS::RR->new("$rp_ns_name $reply_ttl IN A $rp_ns_address"),
$nsASIGRR= create Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG(\@nsARR,
(Net::DNS::RR->new("$rpdomain $reply_ttl IN NS $rp_ns_name"),
$nsSIGRR= create Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG(\@nsRR,
(Net::DNS::RR->new("$rpdomain $reply_ttl IN NSEC $rpdomain NSEC RRSIG SOA DNSKEY"),
$apexNSECSIGRR= create Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG(\@apexNSECRR,
(Net::DNS::RR->new("$rp_ns_name $reply_ttl IN NSEC $rpdomain NSEC RRSIG A"),
$nsNSECSIGRR= create Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG(\@nsNSECRR,
( Net::DNS::RR->new("$rpdomain $reply_ttl IN SOA $rp_ns_name 1 20000 20000 100000 10")
$soaSIGRR= create Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG(\@soaRR,
my $runas = 'nobody';
# Change effective id
$> = getpwnam($runas);
sub reply_handler {
my ($qname, $qclass, $qtype,$peerhost, $query ) = @_;
my ($rcode, @ans, @auth, @add,);
my $opt;
$opt= ($query->additional)[0] if ( $query->additional &&
(($query->additional)[0]->type eq "OPT")
if ($qclass eq "CH"){
if (lc($qname) eq "version.bind" && $qtype eq "TXT" ){
push @ans, @versionRR;
}elsif (lc($qname) eq $rp_ns_name){
if ($qtype eq "A"){
push @ans, @nsARR;
push @ans, $nsASIGRR if $opt;
push @add, @keyRR if $opt;
}elsif($qtype eq "ANY"){
push @ans, @nsARR;
push @ans, $nsASIGRR;
push @ans, @nsNSECRR;
push @ans, $nsNSECSIGRR;
push @add, @keyRR if $opt;
my $ttl = $reply_ttl;
push @auth, @soaRR;
push @auth, $soaSIGRR if $opt;
push @auth, @apexNSECRR if $opt;
push @auth, $apexNSECSIGRR if $opt;
push @add, @keyRR if $opt;
$rcode = "NOERROR";
}elsif (lc($qname)."." eq $rpdomain){
if ($qtype eq "NS"){
push @ans, @nsRR;
push @ans, $nsSIGRR if $opt;
push @add, @nsARR;
push @add, $nsASIGRR if $opt;
}elsif ($qtype eq "SOA"){
push @ans, @soaRR;
push @ans, $soaSIGRR if $opt;
push @auth, @nsRR;
push @auth, $nsSIGRR if $opt;
push @add, @nsARR;
push @add, $nsASIGRR if $opt;
push @add, @keyRR if $opt;
}elsif ($qtype eq "DNSKEY"){
push @ans, @keyRR;
push @ans, $keySIGRR if $opt;
} elsif ($qtype eq "ANY"){
push @ans, @soaRR;
push @ans, $soaSIGRR;
push @ans, @apexNSECRR;
push @ans, $apexNSECSIGRR;
push @ans, @keyRR;
push @ans, $keySIGRR;
my $ttl = $reply_ttl;
push @auth, @soaRR;
push @auth, $soaSIGRR if $opt;
push @auth, @apexNSECRR if $opt;
push @auth, $apexNSECSIGRR if $opt;
push @add, @keyRR if $opt;
$rcode = "NOERROR";
}elsif ($qtype eq "NSEC" ){
my @nxtRR=(
Net::DNS::RR->new("$qname $reply_ttl IN NSEC $rpdomain A NSEC TXT RRSIG ")
push @ans, @nxtRR ;
if ($opt){
my $nxtSIGRR= create Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG(\@nxtRR,
) ;
push @ans, $nxtSIGRR;
$rcode = "NOERROR";
}elsif ( $qtype eq "A" ) {
my $ARR=Net::DNS::RR->new("$qname $reply_ttl IN A $www_address");
my @ARR = (
push @ans, @ARR ;
if ($opt ) {
$ASIGRR= create Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG(\@ARR,
) ;
push @ans, $ASIGRR;
} elsif ($qtype eq "TXT" || $qtype eq "ANY") { # Any name not the origin or the NS RR.
if ($qname =~ /666\.666\.\+\.rp\.secret-wg\.org$/ ){
if ($qname eq ""){
my @nsRR=
(Net::DNS::RR->new("$rpdomain $reply_ttl IN NS $rp_ns_name"),
my $nsSIGRR= create Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG(\@nsRR,
my @nxtRR=(
Net::DNS::RR->new(" $reply_ttl IN NSEC NS NSEC RRSIG ")
my $nxtSIGRR= create Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG(\@nxtRR,
) ;
push @auth, @nsRR;
push @auth, $nsSIGRR;
push @auth, @nxtRR;
push @auth, $nxtSIGRR;
push @add, @keyRR if $opt;
$rcode = "NOERROR";
}else{ # Anything below 666.666
my @nxtRR=(
Net::DNS::RR->new(" $reply_ttl IN NSEC DS NSEC RRSIG ")
my $nxtSIGRR= create Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG(\@nxtRR,
) ;
push @auth, @soaRR;
push @auth, $soaSIGRR if $opt;
push @auth, @nxtRR if $opt;
push @auth, $nxtSIGRR if $opt;
push @add, @keyRR if $opt;
$rcode = "NXDOMAIN";
}else{ # end special processing
my $param=$qname;
my $answer=rpn($param);
if (!defined($answer)){
my $ttl = $reply_ttl;
my $answerRR=Net::DNS::RR->new("$qname $ttl IN TXT \'$answer\'");
my @answerRR = (
push @ans, @answerRR ;
my $answerSIGRR;
if ($opt || $qtype eq "ANY" ) {
$answerSIGRR= create Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG(\@answerRR,
) ;
push @ans, $answerSIGRR;
if ($qtype eq "ANY" ){
my $ARR=Net::DNS::RR->new("$qname $ttl IN A $www_address");
my @ARR = (
push @ans, @ARR ;
my $ASIGRR= create Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG(\@ARR,
) ;
push @ans, $ASIGRR;
my @nxtRR=(
Net::DNS::RR->new("$qname $reply_ttl IN NSEC $rpdomain A NSEC TXT RRSIG ")
push @ans, @nxtRR ;
my $nxtSIGRR= create Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG(\@nxtRR,
) ;
push @ans, $nxtSIGRR;
$rcode = "NOERROR";
} # END of processing anything that is not 666.666
} else {
my $ttl = $reply_ttl;
my @nxtRR=(
Net::DNS::RR->new("$qname $reply_ttl IN NSEC $rpdomain NSEC TXT RRSIG ")
my $nxtSIGRR= create Net::DNS::RR::RRSIG(\@nxtRR,
) if $opt;
push @auth, @soaRR;
push @auth, $soaSIGRR if $opt;
push @auth, @nxtRR if $opt;
push @auth, $nxtSIGRR if $opt;
push @add, @keyRR if $opt;
$rcode = "NOERROR";
push @add,$opt if $opt;
return ($rcode, \@ans, \@auth, \@add, {aa=>1}) if $rcode eq "NXDOMAIN";
return ($rcode, \@ans, \@auth, \@add, {aa=>1}) if $rcode eq "NOERROR";
return ($rcode, \@ans, \@auth, \@add);
if ($ns) {
else {
die "couldn't create nameserver object\n";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user